I spent many years trying to get off the farm....but now I propose that Centerville offer "gardenless citizens" a chance to return to our farming roots. Just south of City Hall, there is more than a 1/2 acre of vacant cultivated land, that will not be utilized by the City for a few years. This could be divided into small lots (say 15x40?) and those citizens who don't have thier own vegtable gardens in their backyard. A small fee ($15?) would cover the cost of the water for the summer.
Just think of all those little kids who could "learn to work" by hoeing a few rows of veggies....
Civility is definately not the Utah Legislature's strength..... Senator Stephenson, who has never been a candidate for either the "teamwork and collaboration" award or nominated for the "Mr. Nice Guy" title, seems to have temporarly forgotton that when you act rude to a reporter, you will probably read about it in the paper.....