Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Political Quotes

"Politicians are like babies, they should be changed regularly" Mayor Mike Deamer

"Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least." Robert Byrne.

"The President has kept all the promises he intended to keep." Clinton aide George Stephanopolous.

"I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts." Will Rogers.

"I do not belong to any organised political party: I'm a democrat." Will Rogers.

"Politics is the art of choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable." John Galbraith.


Kojo said...

I, for one, promise not to agree with you. :)

Vociferous said...

Kojo never agrees with anyone -- even himself

Kojo said...

Spoiling for a fight, vociferous? Nothing doing. I leave the "virtual brawling" to kwabina. Kojo is the peaceful sort.

kwabina said...

Thanks for the invite, can I post on anything I want? I think I'd like to write about how vociferous and part time politician have never been photographed together and how j's neighbors don't like him enough to give him money