Wednesday, June 21, 2006

This is why the public thinks the Utah Legislature has no ethics

In my opinion, Senate President John Valentine has crossed the line by joing the Zion's Bank Board of Directors. While he has always been a strong bank supporter -- it's clear that he was only offered the prestigious Board Seat because of his leadership position in the Senate.

The President of the Senate and Speaker of the House should not be joining outside boards while they are in a leadership position--especially such a controversial position as a major bank board.

I can understand a politician continueing to serve on a board, if he had been on the board before his election, but to join the board after being elected Senate President--just doesn't give the public a lot of confidence in our elected officials.

1 comment:

Vociferous said...

Well said PTP. I hear that President Valentine is a good guy personally, but does he really need the $9,000 paycheck from Zions. I wonder if Zions will drop him from the board when he is finshed as Senate President? I guess it's better that he fights openly for the banks and take thier money up front, rather than just accepting large campain contributions from them.